Akasha Chronicles

What is the Akasha?

Akasha Chronicles /Akashic Records is a cosmic memory field, hidden unknown aspects of reality!

The Akasha is the "mother" of tools like astrology, tarot/oracle, human-design, gene-keys. The star-wisdom have been given to us from the Akasha in order to connect with our life's work and purpose in this/other reincarnations. Did you know that AKASHA SOUL® is your ultimate transcendent point. Especially after you got in touch with Astrology, Tarot, Gene Keys, Reiki Theta Healing®️ or Human Design?

In order to access this infinite consciousness, we do the first step from our own free will with the intention of transformation! The transformation within us makes it possible to access the Akasha in order to receive further guidance for our journey! Until we make this choice the Akasha will run with the old imprints of unfinished business, wounds, trauma, memories karma etc. By doing the inner work and clearing our Akasha we are realigning our Akashic memory which is saved in our DNA. 

Akasha Soul®️ Academy is guiding you through the process to align yourself, friends etc. 

For the good of all and the harm of none, for the collective benefit.

Table of Contents:

  • What are the Akasha Chronicles, and how does it work?
  • The Seven Sacred Seals / Soul Rings
  • What can you read in the Akasha Chronicles?
  • Who can read the Akasha Chronicles?
  • Why is it important for us to heal?
  • Our Akasha Trainings and Certifications
  • AKASHA SOUL® Academy
  • AKASHA SOUL® Awakening of Grace
  • Akasha Soul® 1:1 Booking
  • FAQ Akasha Chronicles

What are the Akasha Chronicles, and how does it work?

The Akasha is love. Akasha means in Sanskrit Aether. Aether means space, void, sky and/or universe. The ether is like the air we breathe, it is all around us, constantly. The Ether has of course no density like our material world, and therefore we cannot touch or see it. The ancient Greeks saw the ether as a god like element.

The Akashic Record is our universal cellular memory, a library of all of our actions, thoughts and ideas from the past, present and future. The chronicles are a higher dimension of consciousness that contains every soul's journey. It is infinite knowledge and wisdom, infinite spiritual resource.

The Akasha, also known as the
Akashic Records or Akasha Chronicles, is a cosmic memory field hidden in the unknown aspects of „reality" and is outside our 3D Reality. It is the essence of the space in between everything. We can compare it to the internet. Everyone knows about it, everyone is using it, but no one can see the internet. But it doesn’t mean that it does not exist. Just like the Akasha.


To me the Akashic Records are the universal library - probably that’s why it’s called "Book of life". But it is not a single book. Each soul, living organism, being on earth and beyond has its own cosmic book of life. So, this universal library is more like a cosmic memory of all beings on earth. But to compare the Akashic Records, this all-knowing book of life, with the internet is actually a very lousy way to describe it. The Akashic Records is an intelligent source of its own and by trying to describe this subtle but powerful field, we are limiting it.

The Seven Sacred Seals

The Seven Sacred Soul Rings

The Seven Sacred Seals by Richard Rudd are an initiation to bring huge change for your personal growth, but also for the collective. The Seven Sacred Seals are the highest teachings and written in a code, ready to be activated within us. Within the Akasha Soul® Academy you will experience the transmission of the Sacred Seals opening up inside you. We use the 7 Sacred Soul Rings which stand for Divine Love, Divine Grace, Divine Will, Divine Epiphany, Divine Truth, Divine Omniscience, Divine Forgiveness. Doing the inner work, meeting shadow aspects and transmute the junk from your cellular memory will help you to raise your energy frequency to open the Sacred Soul Rings.

Connecting the Dots:

Approaching your evolutionary path of the Soul within the Akashic Memory Field will be the Game Changer to deepen your understanding of your Natal Chart, Human Design, Gene Keys sequence and open up to the Seven Sacred Seals representing a higher universal Truth.

Woman entering the Akasha - Awakening of Grace Akasha Training




Violett crystal pattern - Akasha Single Session Luxury Experience



1:1 Session



Why is it important for us to heal?

All kind of experiences, negative and positive, are experiences we came here to make as human beings. All these experiences are saved in our DNA. Every Trauma, wounds, anxieties, ancestor's trauma and more are still active in our cells and often blocking us from living a happy and abundant life. As we are shifting in the Golden Age, it is time to remember and time to heal our wounds from the past life traumas. You can find the roots of these traumas in the Akasha field, in your book of life, and clear/heal it.

Alexandra Shvarova channeled the whole modality with the help of her Spirit Guides Isis, Thoth and Sananda. The Akasha field will always lead us to the truth, which is ready to be revealed. Truth is subjective, but the Wisdom from the Akasha is universal and connected with the cosmic laws. Truth leads us to wisdom, and wisdom is power.

AKASHA SOUL® is an intimate & sacred tool, and it is a shortcut to divine abundance. It is the foundation to understand us and our divine nature, on every level of our multidimensional existence.

The difference between AKASHA SOUL® and other Akasha Programs is that you will learn from Alpha to Omega about how to open, navigate, read, clear, awaken, activate and embody the wisdom of the Akashic Records.

Akashic Records are a very evolved consciousness of intelligence and constant evolution. A living organism, keeping the energetic wisdom of everything and everyone that has been created since the beginning of the universe.

All your thoughts, feelings, vibrations, frequencies, intentions, experiences and choices and even the past, present and the future are harvested, kept and stored in the Akashic Records.

Your divine AKASHA SOUL® is basically a database of your soul's memories since you were created by the source, and it includes your soul's memories during universal cycles, star systems, galaxies and the earth.

In this video, I talk about the Akasha Chronicles and explain how it works. If you want to know more about this topic or how to access the book of life, watch this video. Additionally, we do a little Akasha meditation together.

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Dear Soul, welcome to AKASHA SOUL® Academy.

Akasha Soul®️ is a spiritual healing modality created by Alexandra Shvarova. It is a way to access and heal the soul's records, which are stored in the Akasha field. The Akasha field is a non-physical dimension that contains all of the information about the universe, including the records of every soul.

Akasha Soul®️ healing can be used to heal past traumas, clear negative energy, and connect with your soul's purpose. It can also be used to access guidance and support from your higher self and spiritual guides.

Alexandra Shvarova is a high-level healer, psychic medium, spiritual teacher and the founder of New Earth Medicine®️.

She is a the channel of Akasha Soul®️ and has been using this modality to help people heal and transform their lives since 2021. 

If you are interested in learning more about Akasha Soul®️ healing, you can contact us directly.

Here are some of the benefits of Akasha Soul®️ healing:

It can help you to heal past traumas and clear negative energy.

It can help you to connect with your soul's purpose and live a more fulfilling life.

It can help you to access guidance and support from your higher self and spiritual guides.

It can help you to raise your vibration and connect with the divine.

If you are interested in trying Akasha Soul®️ healing, there are a few things you can do:

Find a certified Akasha Soul®️ facilitator.

Schedule a session with a facilitator.

Be open to the healing process and allow yourself to receive the guidance and support that you need.

Akasha Soul®️ healing can be a powerful tool for transformation. If you are open to it, it can help you to heal, grow, and live a more fulfilling life.

AKASHA SOUL® is brand-new modality which allows us to open, read and communicate with the Akashic Records.

AKASHA SOUL® unites the terrestrial and interstellar memories of our souls divine existence. AKASHA SOUL® is a unique way of approaching the Akashic Records, Akasha Chronicles or the Book of Life.

Alexandra Shvarova channeled the whole modality with the help of her Spirit Guides Isis, Thoth and Sananda. The Akasha field will always lead us to the truth, which is ready to be revealed. Truth is subjective, but the Wisdom from the Akasha is universal and connected with the cosmic laws. Truth leads us to wisdom, and wisdom is power.

AKASHA SOUL® is an intimate & sacred tool, and it is a shortcut to divine abundance.

It is the foundation to understand us and our divine nature, on every level of our multidimensional existence.

The difference between AKASHA SOUL® and other Akasha Programs is that you will learn from Alpha to Omega about how to open, navigate, read, clear, awaken, activate and embody the wisdom of the Akashic Records.

Compared to other Akasha Chronicles programs AKASHA SOUL® is more a modality like the Gene keys which brings us deep into our Soul Blueprint. This program is designed for you to navigate through the Akashic Records, clear and heal your low vibrating soul imprints on a multidimensional DNA level.
AKASHA SOUL® Academy is a transformation for everyone who is into spiritual development. A program not only for coaches, but also for everyone who wants to have a lifelong tool to help themselves on the spiritual healing and awakening journey.
The AKASHA SOUL® Academy is for souls who desire to learn and transform their lives and the lives of others through this majestic tool of love. It is really on time to step out and teach how to navigate through the Akasha field truthfully and respectfully.

You will learn from ALPHA to OMEGA about how to open, read, navigate, heal and clear the Akashic Records of your clients, family, friends and yours. It is a modality of activation and awakening your divine cosmic memory. You will be able to activate, awake and embrace your soul's unique essence and gifts. 

We will go further than the Akasha Chronic here on Earth. We will go straight to the cosmic and universal connections of multiple star systems, other planets and more. 

You will be able to read and clear interstellar karma from past-lives on other planets and universal cycles. 

By the end of this program you will be able to awaken the cosmic memory of yourself or for your clients and explore the souls unique essence and journey.
This program and modality is here to provide:
Deep self-healing and self-realization
Discover your soul signatures
Explore the earth and cosmic memory
Connect with your star lineage and starseed qualities 
Bring back the memories before the big bang
Release interstellar karma
Remember your starseed essence and the wisdom from the starseeds
Awakening of your true self!

Akashic Records are a very evolved consciousness of intelligence and constant evolution. A living organism, keeping the energetic wisdom of everything and everyone that has been created since the beginning of the universe. 

All your thoughts, feelings, vibrations, frequencies, intentions, experiences and choices and even the past, present and the future are harvested, kept and stored in the Akashic Records. 

Your divine AKASHA SOUL® is basically a database of your soul's memories since you were created by the source, and it includes your soul's memories during universal cycles, star systems, galaxies and the earth.

Upper body of Alexandra Shvarova in a white dress from behind, putting her hands on her heart - explanation of Akasha Records and how to access

How does it work? 


Accessing your AKASHA SOUL® is a gift that makes me feel humble and grateful.

The Soul is such an interesting entity and sometimes keeps some information secrets, because of old wounds it experienced in the past. Your soul was created by the source to expand and evolve constantly. And now we are here on earth making this human experience. We can hardly remember what we were doing last week, so how should we remember what we experienced in our past lives on this earth or even on other planets?!

The Akasha chronicles are multiple and at the same time one consciousness. Like the ocean and the waves. It is constantly developing and rearranging. Counting and predicting all the possible choices you might do in the "future" and how your "past" shaped your presence. 

To understand the Akasha is like understanding God. It is a choice of finding God within and committing to your own personal growth and living your divinity.

By diving into your Akasha, we will find the signature of your soul. The signature which holds the most profound wisdom and talents for yourself. We are diving deep into the 7 Sacred Seals which hold the information of your divinity and awaken them. 

As we are shifting into the next Golden Age cycle, we are NOW awakening our Cosmic Akasha. We start remembering things from past lives or even other planets through dreams, synchronicities or signs. We as a collective or individuals desire to heal the wounds which hold us back. To become whole again and creating a fulfilled life in abundance & joy. 

When we access your Akasha Memory and process the lesson, we also set the intention of clearing and releasing the heavy pattern straight in the Akasha Chronicles and on the DNA level. This process is deeply necessary to shift and integrate in all levels of our consciousness. 

Your Akasha is highly intelligent, and it will only show you events and moments which your soul is ready to process. It is time to come home, home to your own uniqueness.

Navigating through the Akasha is a task of its own.

What do you desire to Know?

What do you desire to Awake?

What do you desire to Remember?

What do you desire to Embody?

Many people are speaking only about the Akasha of the earth and are limiting themselves to just this TERRESTRIAL existence. But there is much more potential. 

In AKASHA SOUL® we work with the multidimensional Akasha, the multiple universe and whatever the Akasha consciousness is revealing to us. As a healer, medium and AKASHA SOUL® Facilitator we are allowed to communicate with the spirits and keepers of the Akashic Records and also to ask them for permission to let go and heal what doesn’t serve you anymore.

Past live’s wounds, karma, interstellar karma, vows and bans are allowed to be released and transformed until this old heaviness is gone. The very important aspect is the revealing and clearing part in the Akasha, but even more magical is the connection to our star lineage, star seeds, and the download of the light-codes.

This modality is truly a profound and pristine approach:

  • How to open the Akashic Records
  • How to read the Akashic Records
  • How to clear, release and heal in the Akashic Records

AKASHA SOUL® is the awakening and activation of your soul's unique essence. THE AKASHA SOUL® IS PURE LOVE.

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Did you ever felt the pull to explore your own Akashic Records?

I mean by yourself without the help of others. You seek the independence from others and you also wish to be capable of receiving your own answers and guidance from the Akasha. Yes you can do it! With the correct introduction and guidance you will feel confident to trust in your own psychic gifts. If you want to learn more about, how to explore the Akasha Records click here to read our blog post.

Join the Academy

to learn how to read your own Akashic Records and for others!

Akasha Soul®


Cosmic Memory Awakening

with our Teacher

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