
How to Explore
the Akashic Records

In this episode, we talk about the mysteries of the Akashic Records. This is the second part of our Akasha Chronicles video, we uploaded some time ago. You can find it on this site.

I will answer some of your personal questions about the Akasha and how you can explore it.

Akasha Soul® is a modality to be able to access the soul's divine information. So how I work with Akasha Soul is to enter, to actually navigate, and to set the intention of clearing. It is a real modality to be able to enter this whole purpose, the divine lessons, the lessons, the talents, the signature of the soul. So if you have, for example, in human design like your profile and the jinquis and so on, so it's kind of similar with the Akasha Soul®, but it's like a speed-up and also a healing modality to be able to fold this information, to get it out. So a shortcut so for those who are already working with me, you know how fast and easy it actually is with the right preparation, with aligned actions to be able to receive this information clear and set the intention of healing.

And she kind of came to this conclusion like, okay, how is it possible that every time I'm in a relationship I'm happy? I cannot help with spiritual and financial success, with money? So what is it? And by the way, this is from the stories from one of my teachers, so they accept the Akashic Records, and they found that she was like a nun in her past life, and she gave this vow of chastity.

So she can only be happy and serve God alone by herself. So it's not a very modern world and we know that in this current existence we don't need that. And the Akasha Soul®, the Akashic Records, will provide you with information to be able to clear it, to develop more understanding of your soul's unique essence, the signature of your soul. So, for example, my Akasha Soul®, or the signature is the divine beauty, harmony and peace, the wisdom and the communication. So, as you see here, I speak a lot.

I'm sorry. This is basically what really I'm here to do. To share the wisdom I receive. Because I also have the divine business on my signature. I just channel down information and I have to speak it out.

So in many of us, because one year ago, I was never thinking that I'm here to speak or share my wisdom. I wasn't aware of it until one day, literally the Akasha soul came lightly from my head. Like, here it is. And I was like, okay, what the heck. And by rearranging what I am actually here to do and taking aligned actions with choices, I am healing out the choices I did in past lives.

And this is like the conditioning from the past life, from the ancestors, which we keep on subconsciously. We still believe it until we actually sign the core with the root substance.

And by taking online choices actually to start speaking up, to stop questioning what information you just know. Because you just know things and you are here like I don't remember where I got this from, I don't think it's true. But it is true because it's the Akash channeling straight through you. And to develop this understanding what is your soul was meant to do on this physical plane. And sometimes it's very funny because I have some ladies sitting who said after their casual soul reading like yeah, you said that.

Can you compare Theta Healing® with Akasha Soul®?

Well Theta Healing. I'm sorry, because I don't know anything about Theta Healing®. I just did one like many years ago, a Reiki course. And Theta Healing®, I think you are entering Theta Wave and kind of meditation to find limiting beliefs and the thousand bands.

But when we enter the Akasha, it's like we are having actually where we can find possible out bands and limiting beliefs as well. So everything in your current state, your soul is ready to process and to heal will be released there. So I can imagine that maybe Theta Healing® is solving a couple of limiting beliefs. But it is not that we actually enter the whole scenario and heal the karma and understand this whole scenario.
Akasha is not just the Earth information, because many of Akasha practitioners are accessing this morphogenetic field on the Earth. But the point is that our soul existed before Earth, and it is existing in our dimensions. So we are actually entering into this space. We have a possibility to channel the starseed information, the messages, and many other things in the Akasha.

How did you channel Akasha Soul®? Or how can I actually channel my own Akasha?

Well Theta Healing. I'm sorry, because I don't know anything about Theta Healing®. I just did one like many years ago, a Reiki course. And Theta Healing®, I think you are entering Theta Wave and kind of meditation to find limiting beliefs and the thousand bands.

But when we enter the Akasha, it's like we are having actually where we can find possible out bands and limiting beliefs as well. So everything in your current state, your soul is ready to process and to heal will be released there. So I can imagine that maybe Theta Healing® is solving a couple of limiting beliefs. But it is not that we actually enter the whole scenario and heal the karma and understand this whole scenario.
Akasha is not just the Earth information, because many of Akasha practitioners are accessing this morphogenetic field on the Earth. But the point is that our soul existed before Earth, and it is existing in our dimensions. So we are actually entering into this space. We have a possibility to channel the starseed information, the messages, and many other things in the Akasha.

How do you perceive information when asking the Akasha? Pictures, sounds, voices, feelings? And what would be the first step to enter it?

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